Morning sickness is what almost every other woman experiences during their first trimester. Some women know of their pregnancy when they start getting morning sickness symptoms. While in most women this is a rather easy and manageable period during a pregnancy, it is important to also note that there are women who experience some not too exciting moments while others talk of having no morning sickness even for a day. When it comes down to what causes morning sickness, many people have various explanations but given that this is a condition manifested by various symptoms it is good to understand why each of the symptoms come to be.


Vomiting is synonymous with morning sickness. Even though a person might vomit mostly in the morning, the term morning sickness is a misnomer as a person can actually vomit at any time during their early pregnancy. The cause of this condition is because of various factors each of which can be blamed for vomiting. There are a lot of hormonal imbalances in the body during the first few days after conception. Some of the imbalances that can cause a person to vomit include estrogen imbalance, low blood sugar, a shoot in the progesterone hormone, and a spike in human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG).


Many women only experience nausea during the first three months of their pregnancy but some do so until they are 5 months into their pregnancy. When looking into what causes morning sickness, a woman should note that when progesterone shoots up, nausea is bound to be experienced. This hormone is responsible for relaxing the uterus.

Stomach cramps

These cramps are more or less very much similar to menstrual cramps. The cramps are caused by pressure on the walls of the uterus because of the growing fetus. As time goes on, the cramps may spread from the stomach to the whole of the abdominal area. Because the cramps can at times be painful and very disconcerting, a woman should seek the attention of a gynecologist if they prove to be too much.


Everybody experiences heartburn at one point or another but for most pregnant women, this becomes the norm. The heartburn basically happens when the sphincter muscle relaxes thereby refluxing food towards the esophagus. Because of the gastrointestinal juices present in the food, there is bound to be heartburn when the food reaches the esophagus. The best way to deal with heartburn is by eating small amounts of foods throughout the day rather than one heavy meal. These are some of the facts that we need to note when looking into what causes morning sickness.