Morning sickness is a condition also known as the NVP that occurs in more than 90% of all pregnancies. This condition has for a long time been steeped in mystery as most health professionals are not yet sure why it occurs or what causes it. However according to most studies this conditions seems to be caused in a majority of cases by the HCG hormone. This hormone is usually produced by the body of a pregnant woman right from the moment the embryo attaches itself onto the uterine wall.
The body then doubles the levels of this hormone every two days until the levels are substantially high towards the start of the 6th week or the third week after conception. These increased and spiked levels of the hormone are said to cause the increased sensitivity to strong smells and taste that cause nausea and vomiting.
This ability by the body to expel any strong or suspicious toxics and smells is important as it helps keep the fetus healthy particularly in the first weeks of life as it is usually extremely sensitive and vulnerable. As such one can take comfort in the fact that this is a good sign of a healthy and fit pregnancy despite the obvious discomfort and side effects.
Like most medical conditions morning sickness comes with a list of common signs and symptoms. The most prominent and prevalent symptoms include vomiting, nausea or just nausea without the vomiting. Some women may also experience increased tiredness and fatigue particularly at the end of the day. Despite its name this condition can afflict one at any time of the day not just in the morning. Indeed most people report increased queasiness and nausea at the end of the day when they are more tired and run down. Other factors that can considerably increase these symptoms include strong scents, spicy foods and very sweet foods and drinks that can cause revulsion.
Although drugs can be very effective they are not recommended by most physicians. The best way to get rid of the morning sickness is lifestyle changes particularly those that touch on diet. For example intake of lots of fluids like water can alleviate these symptoms. Other treatments include taking food in smaller portions more frequently to avoid feeling too full which can make nausea worse. Support from family, friends and even co workers can also go a long way in ensuring that one deals with these symptoms as easily as possible. Despite its unpleasantness this condition only lasts for a few weeks as most women tend to outgrow it by the 12th week.